He's Back!
Monday, October 25, 2010
service dog
Chuck is back. Just in time for the Puppy Raiser Halloween Party we sent Java back to the kennels and grabbed Chuck from his vacation.
Lance didn't seem to care.
He did win the Godzilla contest though, knocking down the most boxes and in the fastest time, so maybe he just redirected his frustration.
Vito was pretty upset. Not only did we take away his girlfriend but the presence of the wiggle butt was just too much. Lots of grumbling but it quickly turned to sighing.
As for Chuck, we have had several conversations about manners since he has been back. Yes the leash needs to be loose always, no you can't break a stay whenever you feel like it, and a few licks are ok, but teeth is not.
Man, Chuck got big! Haha, who made your costumes? So funny and cool. Love the godzilla contest, what an awesome idea.
Yay! I missed Chuck! What was the end result with Java?
Java is back in the kennels and I am continuing her work. She happily retrieves now, targeting objects my hand, but needs work on not mouthing objects. She can tug open light drawers and doors but needs work on anything moderately heavy. She has accuracy for the push plates, a nose to close drawers (needs to be stronger), and turns on light switches if at nose height or has a stool.
I have started diabetic work with her now that she has a retrieve and will play tug happily. If it works out she won't need any other skills besides a retrieve, but I am continuing to work on everything else in case. If she develops as a diabetic dog it will likely take 1.5-2 more months of the scent work.
Yay Chuck! I LOVE their costumes. Their costumes are so cute. Why can't more plumbers be as good looking? Do you have more pics? Especially of Yoshi.
Wow! Go Java! And go Laura for your work with her!
Yiiipppeee, someone knew it was Yoshi!!
The little pest is back AND you have to wear outfits? Oh the horror. Hey! Guess what? There is a singing doberman in my new class at school and she sounds just like Vito! Maybe she is part toller.
I LOVE their costumes! Too cute!