Lance got to be an only dog again as we took a long drive to La Crosse, WI early Saturday morning for a NADAC trial. I was also pleasantly surprised to see Lance's jump program developer/instructor there- on a road trip all the way from New York!
Lance had a fun day but we only went 1 for 4 in the Q department. I felt a little out of sync for the first 3 runs, but not too bad.
The first run was our only Q for the day, barely. Almost sent him off course as I pushed a little too early on a discrimination before he fully turned. Also had a self releasing aframe, and a missed weave entrance which I'll actually take the blame for in not supporting the entrance whatsoever. His jumping was really nice though!
Round 2 had some wider turns again and then a missed discrimination where he took the fun outer tunnel instead of the dogwalk. He did a much better job of doing his 4 On for the aframe although it was a little bit high. 1 Knocked bar but otherwise lovely jumping.
On Chances I pass the blame onto the Corgi! He had fun totally disregarding my serpentine handling and decided to flip out away in tandem turn style, without the tandem, towards a yellow tunnel with his name on it. I called him off but then he came back and took the wrong jump on his way.
Jumpers was a nice more in sync run. I decided to be brave and run to get 2 blind crosses in instead of doing rears. It's just so easy to rear crosses in NADAC! Lance had some great jumping for the first half of the course but then knocked a bar on my landing side rear cross. Some stuttering showed up on the ending straight way as I got too far ahead and slowed down. First half not videotaped.
Leave it to a corgi to totally flip out to a random tunnel in chances... :) His jumping looked great!