Off Restrictions
Knocking on wood right now, but I think the Toller if fully back from his shoulder issue. I've been slowly letting him play with toys again and do low jumps in agility for the last 2 weeks and I haven't seen any hints of problems.
I took Vito to his first agility class in 2.5 months this past week. Oh my. The Toller lost his mind. So much screaming. Could not even sit at the startline. I know I allow Vito to break his start in a trial, but only because Vito is a good boy! The very few times he breaks his startline in a practice I just tease him and he wouldn't even think of doing it again. But at class this week Vito was fully incapable of doing anything. Class was an epic disaster of the funniest type. I told our instructor we should have came to the Foundations class instead of International Handling.
And wow he is faster at 16in compared to 20 or 22, especially when he's just doing his own thing.
Vito's not really in an official class right now. My plan was to alternate tollers each week in agility but since Vito has been out since mid April that didn't really happen. We will see if I'm brave enough to try the crazy one again next week or not!
I hope everyone has a great 4th! Hopefully the tollers will get to go swimming again.