New Website- Online Lessons!
Wednesday, August 2, 2017
I recently took the jump into making a more formal website for my dog training. And because I didn't want to feel left out of all the cool trainers having offical business names, I made up one too.
Introducing Tandem Dog Sports
I even used photoshop for my first time!
The big news is that I'm opening up my private lessons to more people and offering them online.
That means people can purchase an hour, or multiple hour blocks, of time for video review and feedback. It might look something like this:
- You send me video of a behavior you're training and some notes.
- I look at the video and spend some time writing suggestions on how to improve or what the next step is. I keep track of the amount of time I spent working on my feedback.
- You respond with anything that needs clarifying.
- I reply back.
- You send me a new video on the behavior or switch to a new behavior.
- Repeat the cycle.
This continues until an hour of my time spent on feedback is up!
fantastic Laura I am VERY interested in lessons with you!
Thanks! I would love to have you! You have poodles right??
I'm so happy to hear this!