Back to Agility Trials
In a very rare move for us, we're actually doing 3 agility trials in a row this month! Agility pretty much becomes non-existent for USDAA/UKI and I wanted to squeeze some trials in with Zumi. She's had such a broken up year in being able to trial vs being on the sidelines!
1 day of UKI we did the first weekend of September. In UKI we still need 2 Q's in standard to get out of novice, so I've been having fun doing the master heat challenge courses in addition to our quest in novice. She's been spiraling upwards in intensity and just started the dreaded vulture again. But on course she's mostly listening well and getting very close! No standard Q's for us, but she did actually qualify in the master challenger jumpers run!
Then we did 2 days of USDAA this last weekend. Vulturing continued on the startline, but she again impressed me with her focus on course. Zero issues with visiting Grandma again!
Here was her master standard run on Sunday, NQ of course, although she did manage to qualify on Friday!
The biggest area of off courses can be narrowed down to serpentine type pushes. She comes in but then doesn't go back out so well.
The same difficulty with finding jumps on weirdly angled lines. Zumi just isn't experienced yet to push slighty off her path to them.
This coming weekend we are back for 2 days of UKI. Seeking those standard Q's!