Real Agility Dog!
The tollers just competed at a 2 day USDAA trial. I am happy to report that my sleep deprived brain remained focused for all their runs! Outside of the ring I can't say that was always the case, but I'll take victories where I can get them!
Zumi really stepped up her game. This was her very first trial where she was focused and connected for EVERY single run. Zumi has been having some great trials recently, but it's still been a mixed bag of those connected runs mixed with wheeee!!
Incidentally, it also coincided with 3 of 4 clean runs on Saturday and 1 of 2 clean runs on Sunday with the only fault being a missed weave entrance, a rare move for her.
We were at that point where pretty much all of the wide turns were about my handling and not due to just blowing by! So proud of Duckie!
She even made it to round 2 of steeplechase and placed first! Actually both dogs made it to round 2 which was a first for me! I don't enter Vito very often in the tournament classes
Vito is also doing great running at 16in. He had a table slide off he was running so fast in standard(!) although I also take blame as I forgot the lower table in performance meant I shouldn't race him to it and get in front...
Fancy Jumpers!