Happy Birthday Vito!
Vito is a big boy now! I still can't believe that he is 1yr old. He certainly doesn't act as mature as Lance did at 12 months, although I guess that's been true at any age so far!
8wks and meeting the ferrets
I am very pleased with how well Vito is doing. He's nuts but is a great little worker and actually has a decent off switch. Well, except for the whole tennis ball issue but we're working on it :)
You know some really cool tricks. I especially like the way you jump into mom's arms and get all wiggle happy.
Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday Vito! Great pictures and great video! I love his 'bang' trick. Too cute. At the end when he barked did he startle himself?
Oh my goodness -- I can't believe he's one either!! I can still remember the day I found your YouTube videos of him as a puppy only a few weeks doing the most amazing tricks and I was totally blown away! What a gorgeous dog he's grown up to be! :-)
Vito is impressive! Happy Birthday!
What a great video!!! Vito is not only handsome but very talented too.
Woos, the OP Pack
Pee Ess, we forgot to say Happy Birthday!
My how they grow! Fun to look at the baby pictures!!! What a pretty dog, yes - and talented too!