UKI Toy Runs for Happy Toller
To take my mind off the Corgi not being at the obedience nationals, I decided to enter Vito in the local UKI agility trial.
Goal #1 to try and get some happy toy runs in a trial environment before the USDAA trial next weekend. Since Vito had many Sad Toller runs at his last agility trial I want to make sure he's feeling good about trials again! Plus I'm actually being brave and doing Team next Friday!
Goal #2 to get that last pesky jumpers leg that has been holding Vito back from moving up to the Championship level in all his other classes.
Saturday I entered Vito in Agility (standard) and Jumpers. Agility was first and I did my toy routine. Warmed him up like normal, showed him where his toy was hanging out, and then entered the ring with a secret ball in my pocket. Vito was actually pretty happy before even getting his ball, and I threw it after the weaves and then after the teeter. Did one of his fastest teeters ever in a trial!
Run #2 was jumpers and no toy reward so I could try and qualify. Vito was super, super happy! One of his fastest jumpers run of all time and was even clean! So Vito earned his ISD title and will now be in championship for all runs (except Speedstakes which is oddly separated from everything else).
Sunday Vito was in 3 rounds- 2 of Speedstakes and 1 of Jumpers in case we didn't make it the day before.
I chose to do toy round on the first run of speedstakes to get Happy Toller. Not sure if it was even needed since he ran awesome from the get go! Rewarded twice and would have been "clean." Even happily did a tricky threadle without hesitating.
Round 2 of Steeplechase was unfortunately a bit harder than the first round but I decided to do it non-toy. Vito actually ran really well and only knocked a bar on backside #2! He even made up for some poor handling and sought out the obstacles I was only halfly able to direct him too!
Our first time in Championship Jumpers I decided to make it a toy run. The course was challenging for us and I wanted to break it down and guarantee ending on a Happy Toller. Vito ended up doing very well with all the collection and I rewarded him after #11 and right before #15. No issues with the course, but he did knock the #8 bar so I was extra glad it was a toy run.
Hopefully Vito will take his happiness to the USDAA trial next weekend!
Sunday Vito was in 3 rounds- 2 of Speedstakes and 1 of Jumpers in case we didn't make it the day before.
I chose to do toy round on the first run of speedstakes to get Happy Toller. Not sure if it was even needed since he ran awesome from the get go! Rewarded twice and would have been "clean." Even happily did a tricky threadle without hesitating.
Our first time in Championship Jumpers I decided to make it a toy run. The course was challenging for us and I wanted to break it down and guarantee ending on a Happy Toller. Vito ended up doing very well with all the collection and I rewarded him after #11 and right before #15. No issues with the course, but he did knock the #8 bar so I was extra glad it was a toy run.
Hopefully Vito will take his happiness to the USDAA trial next weekend!
Awesome job, Team Vito! Congrats on your title and having a happy dog all weekend. That's always such a good feeling :)
Yay!!!! I still think maybe he was bored of the old stuff. Maybe this new, challenging stuff will bring back happy Toller! Congrats on moving up to Championship! So happy for you both!