Bubba Wins
Well those who saw the Bubba that first weekend guessed it. I fell for the trap and told our director of training that she would not be getting Bubba back last Monday. We will be puppy raising the bear cub! I didn't want to fall in love with the little guy! I am so not a little dog person but I'm still finding myself liking the ability to easily scoop him up with one hand. If he wasn't a service dog in training I fear I would create one of those little devil purse dogs people carry at all times!
Bubba is more of a Tasmanian Devil than a dog. He is constantly zooming and self-entertains easily. Our biggest challenge has been working on impulse control, surprise! He is really fun to shape :)
Lance is done pouting and has remembered that he loves puppies, especially those smaller than him. Vito is actually doing a really good job with him. For the most part Vito is just completely ignoring him and even lets Bubba trample over him as he zooms around. Way better than the pouting and constant evil faces he gave the labs!
To those wondering about what Bubba's service dog potential, he will likely be either a diabetic alert dog or hearing alert dog. The alert jobs do not depend on a dog's size to do the job so any breed is a potential candidate. Unless something else comes in the program that just grabs my attention(!), we will have Bubba at our house until he goes in for final training between 12-20 months of age.