Ring Confidence Class
I'm getting excited for my first online class! Ring Confidence registration begins today at 1:30pm central time. My absolute favorite topic, although still quite the journey to get Vito fully there.
I would love to see some of my readers join in. If you're thinking about competing in obedience/rally and haven't yet taken the plunge it's a nice class to prevent problems. Or if you already started competing and are seeing your dog deflate in the ring, fix it now before it becomes a bigger issue.
My goals for this Ring Confidence class are to
1. Build the dog's drive, focus, and want to for entering the ring.
2. Teach the dog what to expect when entering the ring at a trial so that focus can stay on the handler.
3. Teach the handler how to best support their dog in a trial environment.
Yayyyyy so, so happy for you!