Three Boxes
Nosework adventuring continues with "hiding" one box around and getting the dogs comfortable with holding their nose target even after running to the box. This has been difficult with both Lance and Vito due to wanting to retrieve the box to me or wanting to paw with the added excitement. I think they finally got it!
Both dogs also progressed to doing a tiny discrimination test with 2 boxes and then 3 boxes.
I need to develop a better plan for dealing with errors as I'm not very consistent. I certainly don't want silence to mean try again so I will vow to do better.
It's interesting to watch the differences between Lance and Vito. I think Lance is doing just fine but he's not as confident and not obviously using his nose as much on the hidden box game. Vito has always loved sniffing and is much more clearly using his nose.
This is Lance's 2nd time doing the 3 box discrimination task and it looks as though this is really going to help teach him it's a scenting exercise. It helps that the setup is already very familiar to Lance from his scent articles training.
Vito on the 3 boxes.