Chuck at 12 months!
I finally compiled a video of the Chucklet from footage taken around his birthday. I like how it actually makes me look like I train the dude.
I finally compiled a video of the Chucklet from footage taken around his birthday. I like how it actually makes me look like I train the dude.
The first UKI trial in the twin cities! I still don't know what venues I want to compete in with Vito but UKI is on my potential list if we can get more trials here.
Gamblers- NQ
We did the dogwalk twice and both times Vito ran through nicely! His 2nd one was more confident than the first one so he hit even lower. Vito slid off the teeter though. I don't think he's been on a non rubber teeter in a really long time. I reattempted it and then Vito hesitated a bit before going to his 2o2o. 3rd time was the charm. Oh and he also popped out of this weaves in the middle but I apparently didn't notice as I was surprised to hear the judge call out a zero. His gamble was good but he knocked the last bar so no Q.
Agility- NQ
Not a good run. Vito was very distracted at the start, again, and even jumped really really weird for the first jump. He actually landed on all 4 feet. And then he fell off the dogwalk for the 2nd weekend in a row, of course this one was not rubberized. Unfortunately I totally saw coming as I didn't shape a very good line to the dogwalk and I saw him going up at a bad angle. Poor guy :( I wasn't quite sure what to do as he seemed ok and I don't think UKI doesn't let you redo obstacles on runs not declared for training. Vito chose to do the outside loop of the teeter, and then the aframe to be done.
Snakes and Ladders- Q
Again not the greatest run. I had successfully gotten Vito more revved up and focused on the obstacles at the start line but then he found his daddy with the video camera. He was just staring at Adam and doing some screaming at the start line. If I would have been thinking I could have tried switching what side I started on to be in between the dog and his dad, but I wasn't. And Vito did the first jump and then screamed his way to jump on the divider and bark at Adam. More screaming as I tried to get him to do the 2nd jump. The rest of the course went ok but Vito was doing more bouncing than running. His dogwalk wasn't great but it wasn't a leap. He just didn't run it confidently and took an extra stride. I guess I'm jut happy that he somewhat ran it despite falling off his last attempt.
Sunday's only run. Vito was slow again and a bit wide. Also hesitated on geting into his 2o2o on the teeter. The dogwalk was a very nice contact but he still wasn't really running it and added an extra stride. I completely shaped the approach to it as I saw the angle was the exact same as yesterday's and didn't want to risk another fall.
Despite all my negative comments above I was pretty happy with how he did this weekend. He listened well and made all his dogwalks despite being a bit hesitant. All aframes were excellent! Things to work on:
- Have Daddy come to more classes and stand with a video camera.
- We need to work on better attention at the startline. As soon as Vito thinks we're ready to go in the ring he stops wanting to tug. He'll take treats and will focus on me but I think the lack of tugging is the first sign that when we walk in the ring he wants to check out all the people. He will stay but usually doesn't sit very quickly and doesn't keep his attention on the ring in front of him. This has been an ongoing issue at trials. I have had some success by getting him to watch the dog running in front of him but that's not really addressing the issue.
- and of course more experience on different dogwalks and teeters.
I hate teaching the holding part of the retrieve. I save it for last as I think both the dog and I have more fun when we're moving around. (Click here for my retrieve training). However getting a solid hold on an object without mouthing is important in the obedience ring and a necessity for the service dogs. No one wants a punctured juice box brought to them!
Chuck spent a good portion of his birthday in a crate at the agility trial. But we made it up to him by giving him a pigs ear when we got home.
Our first trial since the new year! Freezing cold today. And the dogs were disgusting. Well at least one of them was.
Proud of himself |
Went to the Minnesota Pet Expo today to give obedience demos with the club. I was going to have the corgi and give Adam the toller since the corgi can be quite naughty when he knows Adam has no clue what he's doing. But plans changed.
On the way there Vito was whining anxiously because we were in someone elses car. He sat on my lap but it didn't help. When we walked into the expo he seemed ok until we walked over to the demo area. I don't know if it was seeing the disc dog booth and all the frisbees he couldn't have, the smell of water from the dog diving area, or just the overall noise in the place but Vito again started to whine.
Exhausted Vito |
Lance competed in graduate open again today!
Today's running contact session with Lance was more like the old days! Jump, corgi jump!
I hate the cold so it's not often I actually get to take pictures of my boys having fun in the snow. Thanks Megan for giving the boys an opportunity to run!
So Lance has been doing running contacts for two weeks now and I've gotten in 10 sessions. I've been raising the board pretty quickly since he really seems to be doing a fabulous job of running and not jumping. I have also become an expert on efficiently dismantling the dog walk plank and resembling it all by myself. When the board got high enough that he could no longer run and jump onto it he started having weird striding and has done much better by resting the down plank on the DW.
I am currently stalled while deciding what to do with his current striding. I don't think that Lance is jumping but with the board raised to just at the top of the yellow he is hitting higher up than I would want if it was at full height. I have been rewarding pretty much everything since he is running and not jumping and then I've just been jackpotting any lower hits he gives me. The problem is at this height Lance really isn't offering very many hits in the "2nd square." At just a few inches lower Lance has at least 85% in the lower 2/3rds of the contact. Here's a snippet of some of his attempts at the nicer height vs the slightly raised height, in slow mo of course:
February Progress:
Another lazy month. I need spring to get here!!! Did manage to get some work in but the majority of their dinners have been fed out of a dish.
1. Tricks- I wanted to continue Lance's work on holding a toy in his paws but instead I ended up working more on duration of his hind leg lifts. I also restarted adding in nose targeting while holding his leg up in hopes of getting a hind leg limp. I found it works better using a target instead of my hand for targeting. I think Lance is really starting to get it! He doesn't need my hand pointing to his back leg anymore and will hold it for several seconds. Still a bit confused about the multitasking but is doing well. Who knows if it will lead to limping though!
Vito I did a little work on the handstand but not much. He just really wasn't into working for his dinner much this past month and was lacking energy. He did learn how to flip on the low lightswitch at work. Not a real one though, he's too short.
Chuckles I did actually free shape a trick without a prop! At least the start of one. We're working on limping with his front leg and are currently on duration of his front left paw while in a stand.
2. Scent articles- I did start work on them again although not as much as I'd like. Lance has been stressing about them so I've gone back down to a really small pile and standing close by. It seems to be helping and Lance is happier about them again. Vito continues to have no issues with this at all.
3. Halts- No idea how to fix Vito's bumps into me. Haven't worked on it since I don't have a plan.
4. Fronts with the db- Vito actually is coming in closer on his fronts with an object. Not all the time, or even most of the time, but there are moments where I actually have what I want! I don't know how since I haven't thought of any new approaches. Still a major work in progress.
5. Gloves- I did work on them maybe once a week with Vito. So far the shaking of the glove seems to have disappeared!! We're working on really speeding up the return and fingers crossed it's eliminated that glove shake.
March Goals
1. Running contacts and more running contacts. I swear it's all I'm doing now.
2. I don't know. I'm in a winter funk. No more snow!
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