Zumi 18wks
Thursday, February 12, 2015
New training things this past week, yay!
Zumi is now learning to swipe her paw on her nose and is quickly getting offering the behavior without the help of a little tape to jump start the lesson. Next up is duration.
Also new is the start of backward circles! Lots of progress still needed before it actually looks fluent though.
And a stay! Actually did a bit of practice this past week with understanding how to be still :)
Shaped retrieve progress is a bit stalled out again though. Will bite many objects and will levitate off ground a few inches. Actually moving forward with object not so much. I did get a few discus style spin throws though :)
Bad news is that either Zumi is going through another little fear period or she's settling into a bit of worry again. I try to get her out for some training at the club for a few minutes in between my classes and she totally flipped out our last visit. First over a plastic bag blowing outside for a potty break, then later in the night when I went to the ring to train she was worried about everything going on. Lots of barking dogs and she was staring at everyone. I just sat on the ground with her and fed cookies for checking in with me and whatever she was willing to offer if she chose to. Did OK until someone ignored my declined invitation to let their dog say hi and went up into her face. I swooped her to the side and took Zumi back to her crate. Did not want to eat the rest of her dinner I poured in, but when I went back to collect her after class the food was gone and she was happy again.
In general when Zumi gets nervous she flips into heel position and stares. Even happier if she can just sit in my arms and watch.
But other than a little more environmental in public, she's having a blast at home. Lots of running. Wrestling with the kitty. And a tiny bit of play between Zumi and Vito.
Love of sticks continues. With the doggy door she's really been enjoying bringing her toys outdoors and bringing sticks inside.
Her stick trick would be very convenient if you had a fireplace...
LOL!! That's funny that she's bringing her sticks inside. I hope she's just in a fear period and that it passes. This is right about the age when the second one kicks in isn't it? It's been so long since I had a puppy I can't remember.