Name: Lance
Full Name: Lakeway's No Ordinary Rabbit
Nicknames: Lancey Pants, Wonder boy, Lancito
Breed: Pembroke Welsh Corgi
Birthday: April 7, 2007
Obedience- CGC, CDX
Rally- RE, RL1
Agility- CL1, TN-N, NJC
Arrival Story:
I got Lance as our wedding present to me and my new husband! We picked him up on the drive back from our honeymoon at 11wks of age.
A corgi was chosen as the breed since I love big dogs but my husband wanted a smaller dog. Corgis have the energy I am looking for in the size he wanted
Plus after having a really naughty corgi at the doggy daycare I worked at I just completely fell in love with them! After having Lance and since meeting many more corgis I would definitely own a corgi again. While they are smaller then I like I really enjoy their attitude!
Very serious when it comes to training. Very laid back when it comes to almost everything else. You wouldn't believe that this dog loves to run since he is just such a chill guy. Even as a young puppy Lance acted very mature and almost never got into trouble. He has been such an easy dog to train in that sense! However, Lance is also very sensitive and hates to be wrong. He can easily shut down in a training session if he is uncertain of what to do. Lance likes shaping games but you have to make sure you don't miss too many clicks! Surprisingly, Lance doesn't mind repeating things over and over again. As long as he doesn't think it's because he was wrong, Lance will be content to drill again and again for nothing but kibble!
Food. Other than Lance's love of anything edible he loves playing chase me with the ferrets, his annoying little brother, and me on special occasions where he barks with glee the whole time! Lance just loves to RUN!
Pet Peeves:
The kitty. Lance is not a fan of his little stalker friend who loves to pounce on his butt! Seriously, our kitty is very mean to Lance and takes great joy in tormenting the corgi. With some encouragement Lance will bark and chase the kitty back, but it's hard when at every opportune time Lance finds claws in his butt.
He also isn't the biggest cuddler although he loves to be close by. We have tried forever to get Lance to sleep in bed with us but he much prefers the privacy of the open crate. We do however spy Lance cuddling with Vito when in the car. Lance claims that it's not by choice, but we know the truth :)
And finally, Lance hates dogs in is face. He doesn't even so much as grumble most of the time, but I can just see his eyes roll each time we spot another crazy, undersocialized, untrained dog on a flexi run straight towards us at Petsmart!
Favorite Toys:
I'm working on building Lance's drive to play with toys. So far he seems to like bunny fur but we haven't worked up to tugging in most places yet. What Lance does like is balls. But only if the ball is in your hand. Once you release the ball Lance could care less where it lands or what it does. But a ball in a hand does not belong there and Lance will tell you so, loudly!
Favorite Tricks:
Lance knows a lot, but his favorite tricks are rollover, beg, and high five in that order! My favorite trick of his is "pose" (cross legs) since that trick took forever for his stumpy legs to do.
Future Training Goals:
My goal is for Lance to get his UDX in obedience. I don't see us going past that as it would require some major overhauling of the technical aspects (no forging on heeling, straight fronts and finishes) that I just didn't train right from the beginning. Plus I just don't think I'm an OTCH level trainer!
I am also leaning towards starting freestyle with Lance and possibly competing in the future. Lance really LOVES doing all his tricks and I think he would enjoy freestyle.
I don't have any agility goals yet since I'm still figuring everything out, but my goals are high. Lance loves it!
Lance's Youtube Playlist: