Rally run through

Yesterday Lance went to a rally obedience run through at one of the local clubs in the cities. Lance had never been there before so I thought it would be perfect to treat it like a "real show" and even brought cheese for treats and his canned food for afterward. It was a really long course, with 2 serpentines and 2 spirals. I did it all off leash and while he was a little distracted I was able to call him back to me really easily. His sits were very crooked in the beginning but improved as we continued.

I decided to do another run with him, partly since they didn't have any change for my money :) The second time through Lance was almost perfect! Obviously he got better since he just had some practice and wasn't as distracted by everything. But I'm also hoping he improved in hopes of getting the major reward after leaving the ring!

I am a positive trainer so I don't train with force. My consequences are mainly negative punishment (removal of rewards, time outs) and then a simple verbal "ah ah" is all I've ever needed to follow through with on very important matters (don't bolt through an open gate, leave what dropped, etc). So in the ring where I can't reward, I still want my dog to know that he can still earn reinforcement. I am hoping that by October when we will hopefully enter our first open opedience trial Lance will have had enough experience with getting amazing treats (canned cat food!) after leaving the ring.

Here's a Lancey Pants looking out the window at grandmas :)

Esther  – ( June 29, 2009 at 7:29 PM )  

Cute picture!

Glad to see that Lance is doing well in rally-o :) I've never tried cat food, I wonder how Winnie would like it as a treat? Hmm..

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Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole.- Roger Caras

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