Bubba 9 months
Bubba is almost 9 months old now. He has finally settled down and intense zoomies around the house are now rare instead of the every day occurrence. Bubba is a dog who bonds pretty intensely and always wants to be near by. He could care less about Adam and snubs his nose at anyone else in his world who asks him to do something. But he's constantly trying to poke me with his big nose while I sit on the couch (next to Vito of course!) and is just in heaven if I actually touch him with just a foot. On the big pro side, our Robot training worked and Bubba no longer has a tantrum when I leave him, un-kenneled.
In public he is doing a pretty good job of behaving and trying to be invisible.
Of course being a Schipperke, we get stopped constantly by people! A skipper what?! And then it's always the adults, never the kids, I know I shouldn't pet but... as their hands are outstretched towards the dog!
For those who remember the note at the end of the last update, Bubba did go down to our prison program and stayed 3 weeks until of the adult dogs came for their final training. He gave his handlers a pretty hard time down there and apparently they told our prison trainer No more Schipperkes! The prisoners might have to suck it up again though as IF Bubba continues through the program and is selected for diabetic alert work, there will be a good chance of him going back down there to finish his scent work training!
While I truly believe a dog is a dog little dogs really do seem to be bred to intensely attach to one person ... so funny he gave the prison program a tough time... lord he's cute!