Zumi 14wks
The Duck turned 14wks today and is up to 16lbs. This last week was a big one in her development.
In training time Zumi is really starting to think. Lots more offering behaviors that don't involve the use of a prop. As such she's making a bit more progress with our frog legs trick and I've started shaping backing up in a down. A little sad as down-back was Pyra's favorite behavior of all time and one she just started doing on her own at 10wks.
But other back up tricks are going well now too. Reversing towards my legs is up to 1.5ft after maybe 3 lessons. And Zumi's kinda getting taking a step back to her 2o2o position on a box, although there is still lots of turning around to get on it with front feet first.
More snow!
Love this photo of her and Lance. Zumi's expression pretty much sums up Zumi.
Duck and Kitty still play lots. Hard to say who wins more. She goes for his tail and ears, he goes for her neck.
While she's not a super cuddler like Pyra was, Zumi still does a pretty good job of it. Likes to be about halfway in my lap and doesn't care who she has to climb over to get where she wants to be. Vito still doesn't acknowledge her presence much. She's barely worth a grumble apparently.
I'm a new follower saying hello - that is one precious puppy. I love your blog name and look forward to reading more!
Thanks for reading Lara! Love your big eared dog in your profile picture!!!
haha that picture of Zumi and Lance. Rawr! :)
Hehe I love the picture of Zumi and Lance too!! I'm glad she's doing well and I hope she makes it through this fear stage without any trouble. :)