Peed on!
Lance got peed on today, and by a girl too! Poor little Lance was minding his own business, just laying down in the playroom counting down till he would get to go home, when along came Lulu! I watch in horror and this little irish terrier strolls over, lifts a leg, and pees straight on Lancey puppy! Horrors!!!
Now I have another reason to hate that name! All of the Lulu's I know I am not the biggest fan of. One is a bulldog mix, hard headed and stupid (yes I know she is a bulldog), and makes my job a ton harder when she comes to daycare. Two is a westie, crazy and mean (ok I know she's a westie, but much worse than the other westies!) and also is pain in the butt and daycare. And now #3 peed on my dog!!! Curses to whoever names their dog Lulu!
As for an agility update, Lance likes to live on the edge. This time it was the teeter that Lance did not realize had to come down before he could jump off! Charging full speed to the end, Lance flies through the air- super corgi! Luckily the teeter wasn't at full height :) But of course, he's doing really well with everything else. The best part about tonight was Lance really reading my body language on how far out to go away from me and still being able to turn in really tight and close when I need him to.
I am seriously considering going somewhere else though for Lance's agility classes after this session is up (I think there's 3 more weeks left?). I love the instructors and the large space available, but his class is holding him back. 4 of the other 7 seven dogs in the class have control issues and run off SEVERAL times during each class. And while the other 3 dogs are doing ok, Lance is stuck with 3 of the 4 zoomie dogs for his group each week since we split it up by jump height. So it takes forever to do each sequence since Lance is the only one actually ready to do the sequence (this is our 4th 9wk class!). I'm not saying that Lance is perfect, but it's just really frustrating and I feel like his training is being held back in this class. Unfortunately, it will be hard to find a class to transfer to (either just a different class, or a comletely different school) since the only day I can do it is Thursdays.

Whoa, our next-door neighbors have a westie named Lulu. I wonder if it's the same one that goes to your daycare? I don't know if she is mean, but she sure does bark a lot.
Also thanks for putting Murphy on your blog! :)
That is really frustrating that Lance gets grouped with the bad dogs in training class just because he's small. Hopefully you find a better class for him to go to that won't hold him back.