NADAC trial this weekend. Lance's 4th and 5th day of trialing of the entire year so I was eager to get back to agility with him!
Sadly Lance seemed a bit off all weekend. Slower than normal and pulling off of obstacles. Not sure if it was due to the slightly deeper dirt surface, general aging, or what.
He did 4 run on Saturday and 5 on Sunday. The last run of the day on Sunday was jumpers and it was just sad. Poor Corgi was stuttering horrible and much slower than earlier :(
Sad Jumpers on Sunday
Not so sad Regular on Sunday
On the positive side we did knock out another Chances Q on Saturday on what I thought was a pretty tough course with only the 1st and last obstacle not behind the line. 4 more left for his NATCH and since the next NADAC trial isn't till end of December it doesn't look like we made our goal this year. Hopefully next year we will get to play some more agility and whatever it is that slowed the corgi down this trial will be gone. He's never been interested in playing agility on grass so training at home isn't really fruitful. It involves lots and lots of rewards for baby dog efforts of speed. Weekly class seems to be going fine.